Marking and Moderation of your work
Oxford Brookes Business School has introduced an anonymous marking system, from period 33 onwards.
You are invited to submit your work anonymously, using your ACCA number as the identifier. The University has implemented this policy in order to ensure that every student’s work is fairly marked.
Research and Analysis Projects are marked and given explicit comments by one member of staff. All failed projects and a representative sample of past projects are reviewed by a second assessor from within the team. This process is reviewed by the chief moderator and is informed by an analysis of marks given by each marker.
Following internal moderation, a sample of scripts is reviewed by the external examiner for the program to ensure that the standards applied are comparable to those at other institutions.
A sample of students may be given a viva, which is an oral examination. The selection will be selected after students have submitted RAPs. If you are selected for a viva you will be contacted by the Oxford Brookes ACCA office to organise the timing and location.
Please make sure that you mention your ACCA registration number in the relevant RAP files.
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