Changes to Nov 2021 May 2022 Submissions
Changes to Nov 2021 May 2022 Submissions
ACCA is making significant changes to its eligibility requirements, available topics, and Skills and Learning Statement for the upcoming submission periods. These changes will affect the way that ACCA members can apply for certification and the types of skills they will need to demonstrate in their submissions.
Firstly, ACCA has extended its eligibility requirements to Full Members who are in good standing with an up-to-date CPD record. This means that more members will be able to apply for certification and demonstrate their expertise in their field.
In terms of available topics, ACCA has withdrawn topics 4, 5, 8, and 15, along with their related industry classifications. Instead, new topics will focus on analyzing an organization’s exceptional performance or poor performance. This change reflects the need for accountants to be able to evaluate an organization’s financial health and identify areas where improvements can be made.
Finally, ACCA has modified the existing four Skills and Learning Statement (SLS) questions to two. This change will require members to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic they have chosen and how they have applied their knowledge to their work.
Overall, these changes reflect ACCA’s commitment to ensuring that its members remain up-to-date with the latest industry trends and practices. By expanding eligibility requirements, updating available topics, and modifying the SLS questions, ACCA is helping its members demonstrate their expertise and stay competitive in the ever-evolving field of accounting. For more information, please refer to the latest information pack available on the Oxford Brookes University website.
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